
Which part of the respiratory system is responsible for regulating breathing rate and depth?

A. Bronchi

B. Alveoli

C. Diaphragm

D. Trachea

Answer Explanation:

Diaphragm is responsible for regulating breathing rate and depth. It is a dome-shaped muscle located at the

bottom of the chest cavity that contracts and relaxes to help move air in and out of the lungs.

  What are regulation of respiration? Definition, Types and Importance -  biology | AESL




Therefore, the Correct Answer is C.

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    A. Vaccines can cause the disease they are designed to protect against

    B. Vaccines work by providing passive immunity to the individual

    C. Vaccines work by exposing the individual to a weakened or inactivated form of the pathogen

    D. Vaccines only provide protection against bacterial infections

    Answer Explanation

    Vaccines are a type of preventative medicine that work by exposing the individual to a weakened or inactivated form of a pathogen (such as a virus or bacteria) or to a piece of the pathogen (such as a protein or sugar) that triggers an immune response in the body. This exposure allows the body to develop immunity to the pathogen without getting sick from the full-blown disease. Once the immune system has been primed, it can recognize and quickly respond to the pathogen if it is encountered again in the future, providing protection against the disease.

    It is a common misconception that vaccines can cause the disease they are designed to protect against. This is not true. While some vaccines may cause mild symptoms such as a low-grade fever or soreness at the injection site, they do not cause the full-blown disease.

    Vaccines provide active immunity, meaning that the body produces its own antibodies against the pathogen, rather than receiving pre-made antibodies as in passive immunity. Additionally, vaccines can be effective against both bacterial and viral infections, depending on the specific vaccine.

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    A. kg

    B. L

    C. s

    D. m

    Answer Explanation

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  • Q #3: Which of the following is a function of the respiratory system?

    A. Transport of nutrients to the body

    B. Pumping of blood to the lungs

    C. Exchange of gases between the body and the environment

    D. Digestion of food in the stomach

    Answer Explanation

    One of the main functions of the respiratory system is to facilitate the exchange of gases between the body and the environment. During inhalation, air enters the lungs and oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream. During exhalation, carbon dioxide is removed from the body and expelled into the environment.

      The respiratory system review (article) | Khan Academy