
Which of the following areas of a textbook includes supplemental materials and additional information to the text?  

A. Index

B. Bibliography

C. Appendix

D. Glossary

Answer Explanation:

An appendix contains supplementary material that is not an essential part of the text itself

Bibliography is a list of sources e.g. books, articles and websites, used to write an assignment.

Therefore, the Correct Answer is C.

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    A. The writer is a professional barber

    B. Mustaches cannot easily be styled

    C. The writer enjoys having a beard

    D. No competitions exist for the best mustache

    Answer Explanation

    This choice can be inferred from the passage as the writer expresses a positive opinion about beards, highlighting various ways they can be styled and decorated.The passage suggests that the writer finds beards superior and appreciates their versatility and styling options, which implies an enjoyment of having a beard.

    The other choices are not supported by the evidence in the passage.

  • Q #2: Which of the following is the main purpose of a newspaper editorial written in support of education reform?

    A. To express feelings or ideas

    B. To entertain readers

    C. To explain something

    D. To persuade readers

    Answer Explanation

    The purpose is to persuade readers.

  • Q #3: Cicada Emergence Cicadas, those intriguing insects that emerge en masse after years of hiding underground, have captured the attention of both entomologists and the general public alike. These remarkable insects, known for their distinct chirping sounds and striking appearances, have a unique life cycle that is both fascinating and cyclical in nature. The lifecycle of cicadas is a testament to the cyclical rhythms of nature. After spending several years in nymph form beneath the earth's surface, cicadas finally emerge during certain years in massive numbers. This phenomenon, known as a "cicada emergence," has become a subject of great interest and anticipation among enthusiasts. Entomologists study the patterns of these emergences, noting the regularity with which they occur. What's even more captivating is the simultaneous surge of public interest that accompanies these cicada emergences. Communities come alive with discussions, articles, and even events centered around these creatures. It's as if cicadas have a way of bringing people together and rekindling their curiosity every few years. The cyclical nature of cicada emergences can't be denied. Just like clockwork, these insects resurface, capturing our attention and reminding us of the beauty and complexity of the natural world. As the years go by and cicadas once again retreat underground, we can rest assured that their return, much like the changing seasons, is inevitable and awaited with eager anticipation. Which of the following perspectives can be inferred from the passage?

    A. Cicadas and public interest about cicadas are global

    B. Cicadas and public interest about cicadas are cyclical

    C. Cicadas and public interest about cicadas are inspirational

    D. Cicadas and public interest about cicadas are inexplicable

    Answer Explanation

    According to the passage, the discussion about cicadas has emerged about as predictably as the cicadas themselves from their underground refuge