
Which blood group is a universal donor?

A. A

B. B


D. O

Answer Explanation:

A person can be a universal blood donor or acceptor. A universal blood donor has type O blood, while a universal blood acceptor has type AB blood.

There are several different types or groups of blood, and the major groups are A, B, AB, and O. Blood group is a way to classify blood according to inherited differences of red blood cell antigens found on the surface of a red blood cell. The type of antibody in blood also identifies a particular blood group. Antibodies are proteins found in the plasma. They function as part of the body’s natural defense to recognize foreign substances and alert the immune system.

Depending on which antigen is inherited, parental offspring will have one of the four major blood groups. Collectively, the following major blood groups comprise the ABO system:

  • Blood group A: Displays type A antigens on the surface of a red blood cell and contains B antibodies in the plasma.
  • Blood group B: Displays type B antigens on the red blood cell’s surface and contains A antibodies in the plasma.
  • Blood group O: Does not display A or B antigens on the surface of a red blood cell. Both A and B antibodies are in the plasma.
  • Blood group AB: Displays type A and B antigens on the red blood cell’s surface, but neither A nor B antibodies are in the plasma

In addition to antigens, the Rh factor protein may exist on a red blood cell’s surface. Because this protein can be either present (+) or absent (-), it increases the number of major blood groups from four to eight: A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, and AB-.


Therefore, the Correct Answer is D.

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    B. phenotype

    C. transcription

    D. translation

    Answer Explanation

    The phenotype is the physical appearance of an organism, and the genotype is the set of alleles.

    Mendel’s Theory of Heredity

    To explain his results, Mendel proposed a theory that has become the foundation of the science of genetics. The theory has five elements:

    • Parents do not transmit traits directly to their offspring. Rather, they pass on units of information called genes.
    • For each trait, an individual has two factors: one from each parent. If the two factors have the same information, the individual is homozygous for that trait. If the two factors are different, the individual is heterozygous for that trait. Each copy of a factor, or gene, is called an allele.
    • The alleles determine the physical appearance, or phenotype. The set of alleles an individual has is its genotype.
    • An individual receives one allele from each parent.
    • The presence of an allele does not guarantee that the trait will be expressed

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    A. Litmus paper that turns red

    B. Litmus paper that turns blue

    C. Measured pH value equal to 7

    D. Measured pH value less than 7

    Answer Explanation

    Both litmus paper and a pH scale can be used to indicate whether a solution is acidic. However, a pH scale can also determine the strength of an acid.

    Researchers can determine the strength of an acid or a base by measuring the pH of a solution. The pH value describes how acidic or basic a solution is. On pH scale, shown below, if the number is less than 7 the solution is acidic. A pH greater than 7 means the solution is basic. When the pH is exactly 7, the solution is neutral.

  • Q #3: Which statement best represents Mendel’s experiments with garden peas?

    A. As a result, Mendel developed several theories that have since been disproved.

    B. Mendel realized he was on an incorrect track, which led him to other experimental media

    C. As a result, Mendel developed foundational conclusions that are still valued and followed today.

    D. Mendel collaborated with others interested in genetics to develop heredity guidelines we still use today

    Answer Explanation

    Mendel developed theories of genetics that scientists around the world use today.

    From experiments with garden peas, Mendel developed a simple set of rules that accurately predicted patterns of heredity. He discovered that plants either self-pollinate or cross-pollinate, when the pollen from one plant fertilizes the pistil of another plant. He also discovered that traits are either dominant or recessive. Dominant traits are expressed, and recessive traits are hidden.

    Mendel’s Theory of Heredity

    To explain his results, Mendel proposed a theory that has become the foundation of the science of genetics. The theory has five elements:

    • Parents do not transmit traits directly to their offspring. Rather, they pass on units of information called genes.
    • For each trait, an individual has two factors: one from each parent. If the two factors have the same information, the individual is homozygous for that trait. If the two factors are different, the individual is heterozygous for that trait. Each copy of a factor, or gene, is called an allele.
    • The alleles determine the physical appearance, or phenotype. The set of alleles an individual has is its genotype.
    • An individual receives one allele from each parent.
    • The presence of an allele does not guarantee that the trait will be expressed.