
The scatter plot below shows the relationship between the number of hours a student plays golf and the student’s class attendance. Which of the following types of correlation is shown on the scatter plot?

A. Positive

B. Positive and negative

C. No correlation

D. Negative

Answer Explanation:

Scatter plots can depict three correlations: positive, negative and no correlation. A positive correlation scatter plot reveals that as one variable increases, the other variable also increases as shown below

Therefore, the Correct Answer is D.

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    A. 32 feet

    B. 8 feet

    C. 21.4 feet

    D. 24 feet

    Answer Explanation

    From the given data, we can draw the following triangle by letting the unknown length to be p.

    We apply the Pythagoras theorem, the value of p:

    The unknown length of the triangle is about 21.4 feet.

  • Q #2: Which of the following values is the greatest?

    A. 7/3

    B. 5.2

    C. 13/3

    D. 5.15

    Answer Explanation

    The initial step is to convert the decimal numbers into fractions.

    5.2 becomes 52/10

    5.15 becomes 515/100

    Next, find the least common denominator of 3, 10, and 100, which is 300. We use this value and multiply each fraction.





    From the above, 1560 is the greatest value which corresponds to 52/10. Thus, 5.2 is the greatest value of all the choices given.

  • Q #3: Which of the following is the greatest value?

    A. 74÷95

    B. 7/8

    C. 0.72

    D. 74%

    Answer Explanation

    To solve this problem, we need to have all options in fraction form.

    74  95 = 

    7/8 = 3/8

    0.72 = 72/100

    74% = 74/100

    Now, find the least common denominator of 95, 8, and 100. The least common denominator is 3800, which we multiply by each fraction as follows:





    We can see that the fraction 7/8 is the greatest among the given options.