An Interesting Birthday Party On Saturday afternoon, local eccentric Dr. Oliver Creekstone held a remarkable 90th birthday party at his countryside estate. Present were 3,000 guests, four zebras, two monster trucks, and a famous bagpipe player from Scotland. Though pleased with the entertainment, attendees reportedly were shocked that the complimentary buffet contained only boiled asparagus and pickled carrots. At nightfall, the party was treated to a stunning and seemingly endless fireworks display. According to our sources, Dr. Creekstone felt that next year's birthday party would have to be even bigger and more interesting. "We'll need at least seven more zebras," he said. Which of the following conclusions is supported by all of the details provided about the birthday party?
A. Dr. Oliver Creekstone is an unconventional fellow.
B. The Creekstone estate cannot hold seven more zebras.
C. Dr. Oliver Creekstone is a carnivorous eater
D. The Creekstone estate is a half-acre lot lined with trees.
Therefore, the Correct Answer is A.