Letter from the Chair of Elkinsville Ecological Society Many of you have heard about the proposed northward expansion of the interstate, which currently ends just south of Elkinsville, in the recent debate over how this work will go forward, the focus has been on weighing economic costs and benefits. Indeed, many local politicians claim to favor the project because it will bring jobs in the short term and more visitors to Elkinsville in the long term. These politicians also argue that the proposed plan is the least environmentally damaging way to expand the highway farther upstate. This cannot be true, however, since the proposed expansion involves not just the widening of existing roads, but also the construction of more than a dozen miles of new-terrain highway. Where is it most likely that readers would encounter this text?
A. The opinion section of the Elkinsville Daily Eagle newspaper
B. A brochure from the Elkinsville Chamber of Commerce
C. A tenth-grade science textbook at Elkiraville High School
D. A flyer on a bulletin board at Elkinsville City Hall
The passage presents a viewpoint from the Chair of the Elkinsville Ecological Society regarding the proposed expansion of the interstate highway, which is typically the kind of content found in opinion sections of newspapers, where various perspectives on current issues are shared and discussed.
Therefore, the Correct Answer is A.