
In gastric bypass surgery, the stomach is reduced to hold 1 ounce of food, instead of 3 pints. This surgery would drastically impact one's

A. excretory system

B. digestive system

C. circulatory system

D. respiratory system

Answer Explanation:

B) digestive system

- Correct: Gastric bypass surgery involves the reduction of the stomach's size, typically to hold only about 1 ounce of food instead of its normal capacity of 3 pints or more. This surgery drastically impacts the digestive system because it alters the anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal tract. By reducing the stomach's size, gastric bypass surgery restricts the amount of food that can be consumed at one time, leading to reduced calorie intake and aiding in weight loss. Additionally, the rearrangement of the digestive tract may affect the absorption of nutrients, potentially leading to changes in nutrient absorption and metabolism.

A) excretory system

- Incorrect: While changes in diet and weight loss resulting from gastric bypass surgery may indirectly affect the excretory system, the primary impact of this surgery is on the digestive system itself, not the excretory system.

C) circulatory system

- Incorrect: Although obesity and associated health conditions may impact the circulatory system, such as increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, the direct impact of gastric bypass surgery is on the digestive system, not the circulatory system.

D) respiratory system

- Incorrect: Gastric bypass surgery does not directly impact the respiratory system. While weight loss resulting from the surgery may improve respiratory function in individuals with obesity-related respiratory conditions such as sleep apnea, the surgery primarily affects the digestive system by altering the anatomy and function of the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, the Correct Answer is B.

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    A. F

    B. G

    C. C

    D. D

    Answer Explanation

    Most reabsorption of water occurs in the large intestine, F.

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    A. salivary amylase

    B. protease

    C. hydrochloric acid

    D. bile

    Answer Explanation

    Protease enzymes are responsible for breaking down proteins in our food into amino acids. Then different enzymes join amino acids together to form new proteins needed by the body for growth and repair. Protease enzymes are produced in pancreas.

  • Q #3: Bile is a secretion which aids in the digestion of

    A. lipids

    B. proteins

    C. saccharides

    D. starches

    Answer Explanation

    A) lipids

    - Correct: Bile is a secretion produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. It aids in the digestion of lipids (fats) by emulsifying large fat globules into smaller droplets. This process increases the surface area of fats, allowing digestive enzymes such as lipase to more efficiently break them down into smaller molecules (fatty acids and glycerol) that can be absorbed in the small intestine.

    B) proteins

    - Incorrect: Bile does not aid in the digestion of proteins. Proteins are broken down by specific digestive enzymes such as pepsin in the stomach and proteases in the small intestine.

    C) saccharides

    - Incorrect: Bile does not aid in the digestion of saccharides, which are carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are broken down by enzymes such as amylase into simple sugars (monosaccharides) during the process of digestion.

    D) starches

    - Incorrect: Bile does not aid in the digestion of starches. Starches are complex carbohydrates