
Greek mythology is a vehicle that uses mythological characters and creatures to teach people about the dangers, beauties and possible outcomes of life. In many myths, characters face moral dilemmas involving honor and practicality. The protagonists of epics face creatures that represent values and challenges such as respect, temptation and redemption. How has Greek mythology inevitably evolved with time and new story tellers? Scholars that have interpreted Greek mythology seek to maintain the universal values conveyed in these stories, while ensuring the validity of adapting these stories to their own distinct cultures. It is up to each reader to seek their own truths and learn from epic Greek mythology as best they can.   According to the author's description, which of the following is most likely to be a message from Greek mythology?

A. Love is difficult, but it will last if the lovers are meant to be together.

B. Resisting temptation and immediate gratification will lead to ultimate success.

C. It is important to keep track of your personal history.

D. Passing down Greek mythology has taken on a new form since oral records faded.

Answer Explanation:

According to the passage, the protagonists of epics face creatures that represent values and challenges such as respect, temptation and redemption.

Therefore, the Correct Answer is B.

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    A. A resource on the poetic use of images and words

    B. A resource on the origin of words

    C. A resource on the evolution of world languages

    D. A resource on the inclusion of culture in languages

    Answer Explanation

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    A. man's soul and spirit cannot be destroyed by superpowers

    B. man's destiny is not fully clear or visible

    C. man's soul and spirit are immortal

    D. human society will survive despite the serious threat of total annihilation

    Answer Explanation

    The author states that: Man is not destined to vanish. He can be killed, but he cannot be destroyed, because his soul is deathless and his spirit is irrepressible and that they threaten each other, intimidate each other and go to the brink, but before the total hour arrives they withdraw from the brink.

  • Q #3: Swimming has developed from a primal mode of movement to an advanced hobby and competitive sport. Exercising nearly every muscle group, swimming is a rigorous sport and requires intense training. In competitions swimmers typically contend for the fastest time to complete a certain distance by performing a specific swimming stroke. Also, swimmers work to build endurance and an ability to swim over long distances. Because swimming has developed into a highly intricate competitive sport, where one wrong technique can disqualify a participant, it is interesting to ponder how the sport will evolve for people in the future, either advancing into a progressive purpose or regressing to a primal mode of movement.   Which of the following situations would fulfill the author's prophecy for swimming?

    A. humans settling on the moon use swimming techniques to move through space

    B. swimming remains a competitive Olympic sport

    C. animals, including amphibians, begin to swim instinctively upon birth, as a dominant genetic trait

    D. fish begin swimming at unprecedented speeds and extend the average life span

    Answer Explanation

    According to the passage. it is interesting to ponder how the sport will evolve for people in the future, either advancing into a progressive purpose or regressing to a primal mode of movement. Humans swimming through space would show the regression of swimming into a primal mode of movement.